Mounting a Camera on a Clay Pigeon and Shooting It Out of the Sky

Is it possible to get a first-person view from a flying clay target?
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Pocket Full of LEDs

Bridging code into the physical world was my dream and this LED matrix display is how I did it.
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Light Dimming Robot Finger

The lights in the office go crazy a couple times a day and the dimmer switch is several feet from my desk. Let’s make a robot dimmer switch presser.
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Making a Wifi Button with a Digistump Oak

Activate all the things! This button makes it easy to activate something wirelessly and since it uses UDP broadcasts there’s no need to deal with IP addresses on either end.
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Fixing the Logitech MX Master Scroll Wheel

The MX Master is a great mouse with a mechanical flaw. Let’s see if we can fix that.
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Foscam C1 IP Camera Teardown and Review

Take a look inside the Foscam C1 wireless IP camera. What’s inside and how well does it work?
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Powder Coating at Home

Powder coating is similar to painting but results in a much more durable finish – and it’s not hard to do it yourself. Here’s what you’ll need…
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Arduino Bubble Blaster

Follow along as I automate a Disneyland bubble gun with an Arduino, a servo, and a little 3D printing.
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ImmersionRC Vortex Teardown

Let’s rip apart the ImmersionRC Vortex 250-class race quad and see what makes it work.
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Exploring WebGL Tech

WebGL is the upcoming 3d graphics API for the web and it’s about to make a lot of new things possible. Let’s build something with it.
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Obstacle Course Game for Micro Drones

A tiny obstacle course game for very tiny drones. A challenge for new and experienced pilots of micro quad copters.
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